The CKCA Directory
For a list of all CKCA members, check out our member directory.
Member DirectoryCKCA continues to reach out to members and non-members across the country. When an opportunity to hold an event in Edmonton on May 9, 2024 thanks to our local meetup champion, Selen Yuen of Selenium Interiors, we couldn’t pass it up! Selene rounded up companies to attend this event and the turnout was impressive. An evening of updates about trends coming out of Eurocucina, combined with great conversation with industry made the evening valuable for building a stronger community for the kitchen cabinet industry in the Edmonton and surrounding areas.
Selene was proud of what was accomplished at this meeting and told us:
“A good turnout with lots of energy. Richelieu did a super job of creating a warm, welcoming space with great food. They set the bar high for the next event and put CKCA in a positive, professional light. It was great to see people from the local college attend because it added extra depth to the conversations.”
Thank you Selene and thank you Richelieu for your sponsorship. You are both the reason this event was a great success.
We can’t wait to be back in Edmonton for future meetups!