CKCA Marketplace

- Got extra inventory and looking to trade or sell?
- Got an industry item you’re no longer using and want to sell?
- Are you looking for an item and wonder if someone else is selling it? You’ve come to the right place!
- Please contact the seller directly to inquire about the products for sale.
- Items will be posted for a maximum of 30 days unless otherwise requested.
- If the item is sold, please contact us to remove it from the list
- If you have items that you cannot sell, please consider Habitat for Humanity. CKCA has partnered with this organization and you can make 1 phone call to coordinate. Click here for details on our partnerships.
Note CKCA offers this page as a service to the industry and focuses on buying/selling used (or unused stock) of items relevant to the kitchen industry. If you have personal items to sell, please use other forums such as Kijiji. CKCA is not responsible for the performance of the items sold. Please do your due diligence to ensure the item meets your needs before purchasing. If you have any questions about the product, please direct those to the seller. CKCA is not involved in, nor is responsible for any transaction. CKCA reserves the right to remove any posting that is not appropriate or does not meet the requirements above.
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CKCA members can post items (free to members): Fill out a request form below
All other requests should be directed to