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Member DirectoryLocal MeetUps – Ontario
CKCA Local MeetUps – Ontario – Our first Ontario Local MeetUp was a hit!
Oakville, ON – June 13, 2024
We welcomed over 30 attendees to a local meetup at Woodoer in Oakville on June 13, 2024. We received great feedback that the event was worthwhile and lots of valuable conversations were had.
Here’s what local meetup champion, Alain Albert of Wooder had to say:
“It aligns with our commitment to fostering community and collaboration within the industry. A meetup provides a platform for sharing knowledge, networking and discussing industry trends and challenges. We believe that coming together helps drive innovation and growth for everyone.”
These local gatherings are a way to connect industry for a few hours in a geographic area that is easy to reach. We plan to do more of these in Ontario. If you would like a meetup in your area, be sure to contact
Thanks to our MeetUp Sponsor:
Thanks to our CKCA Local MeetUp Champion – Woodoer
- 4:30 – 4:45 PM – Introductions and Welcome from CKCA, Woodoer and CNC Automation
- 4:45 PM – Tour at Woodoer
- 5:30 – 6:30 PM – Themed discussion (Topic: Changing the layout of your shop – Presented by Alain Albert at Woodoer who has just gone through this process!).
- 6:30 PM – Enjoy some food & refreshments
- 6:00 – 8:00 PM – Roundtable discussions and networking