The CKCA Directory
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Member DirectoryCreative ways to help their community
We’re always so pleased to see the innovative ways our members outreach in their community. As we know our industry struggles to find the right skilled labour and Chaulk Woodworking in Minden, Ontario has come up with a new idea and kuddos to them for giving this a go!
At Chaulk, community is at the heart of their core values and they’re looking to help with both the housing and the skilled trades crisis in their community.
Their approach: Additional Dwelling Cabinetry Discount
For anyone who has the desire and ability to help with the housing crisis by creating an addition dwelling on their property, Chaulk is offering a 25% discount on cabinets for those units. This offer excludes short term rentals.
Chaulk has launched their Skilled Trades Bursary to financially assist a local student with education costs in attending a Skilled Trades Program. For every additional dwelling unit project they work on, they will contribute $100 towards the Chaulk Bursary.
Lastly, they are sharing a CALL-TO-ACTION for all area businesses to get creative with their programs and offers to help solve the housing and skilled trade crisin in their community. Chaulk is happy to promote and and all programs. Business owners are invited to contact Chaulk’s President, Revor, at to discuss their plans.