The CKCA Directory
For a list of all CKCA members, check out our member directory.
Member DirectoryCKCA’s Cyber Risk Tool
You don’t have to understand all the tech, but you do have to understand the risk – Use this CKCA tool!
You can’t be an expert at everything. You have to delegate to others to ensure your business is protected against cyber security.
CKCA went to THE source for cyber security insights and have partnered with Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange to produce this handy checklist (please log in as a CKCA member to view this great tool).
Give this checklist to your IT contact and get them to go through it and respond to you. Remember it won’t be your IT contact paying the ransomware, it will be you! So if you want to make sure your IT has got your business covered, show them this list and see what they say.
Did you know about 70% of Canadian companies have experienced an attack and that number is growing?
It can’t happen to you? Really? Check out these stories:
- Trail Appliances, western Canada’s largest appliance retailer has been impacted by a Cyberattack. Read more »
- Drowning in threat information? Getting advice from the right sources is important. Read more»
- At the end of the day, every organization owns the responsibility to acquire, implement and manage their IT. Read more»