We’re pleased to announce the CKCA Western Regional Event was a great success.
More than 140 attendees over 2.5 days of tours, presentations and lots of networking.
Held at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport in Richmond, BC attendees were transported to various manufacturing shops in Richmond, Surrey, Port Coquitlam, North Vancouver and Squamish.
Registration was SOLD OUT. A CKCA first thanks to the overwhelming response we had.
We’ll be sharing key highlights and photos in the upcoming CKCA newsletter.
With such a popular response to our presenters, we hope to offer a repeat on an upcoming webinar. Watch for more details coming soon.
Final Program CKCA_Vancouver_Program 2023
Enjoy the photos below from the event!
Thank you to our event sponsors who support the kitchen cabinet industry by supporting the CKCA!
We encourage industry to put your purchasing dollars to work – work with these companies!