I’m Pete VanHartingsveldt and I want to tell you a bit about the company my parents Phil and Rita and I have developed over the past 40 years. Dad started Durham Precision in 1971 with a table saw and a radial arm saw, building kitchen cabinets for local residents who helped him build the business with word-of-mouth advertising. Dad soon had to expand the business to meet demand and he began hiring people from the local community and training them to the exacting precision and old-world standards he’d learned in his native Holland.
I started learning those standards at the age of eight and dreamed of carrying on my father’s traditions of craftsmanship. The company gradually grew from 3,000 to 8,000 square feet as my father invested in the kind of modern equipment that was being used in European shops. I grew up with the company, gradually taking on more and more responsibility until my parents retired in the late 1990’s.
Today, with a staff of 13, we remain committed to quality craftsmanship. We continue to build our cabinets on site, using leading-edge computerized equipment that allows us to use complex processes to build our cabinets more accurately and more efficiently than ever before.
We create finished cabinets that deliver the design, space and look that fulfill your vision which means that every cabinet we build is unique, based on your desires, taste and vision. Our goal, quite simply, is to create finished cabinets that are beyond your expectations.
Bowmanville, ON L1C 3L4
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